Sunday, May 9, 2010

Car Auctions & Calgary


"Those who suffer from Alzheimer's may forget in a hurry the content and details of an event, but the emotion aroused in him a long time and continues to influence her mood. This is shown by a study published in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - by researchers at the University of Iowa, U.S., led by Justin Feinstein ... "

reading articles on" dementia "I came across this sentence the result of a study on five patients with a rare neurological disorder, characterized by damage to the hippocampus (the brain area responsible for processing memories from short to long term). These are images that trigger emotions. At the end of the experiment showed that the feelings in patients persisted much longer than the memory of what they saw.

"Even after some time, patients continued to experience emotions - sadness -. Feinstein said lasted a bit 'more happiness, but both remained most vivid memories." (ASCA)

Validation for years teaches me every day just that.
After almost four weeks of absence from work, I meet an old lady that floats between the first and second rounds second Feil, an elderly woman with whom I had the pleasure of working a lot, and her eyes wide, she says, "How are you? How long! I really want to talk! "It 's clear, I feel that I do not know the precise place, he does not remember my name (repeated over and over again) or if I'm coming from outside or if I work here. But it is very strong emotion that conveys the warmth, the pleasure in seeing me, and especially the link to a good chat ... chat validation.

"... emotion affects their state of mind ..." it reads. So if we focus on accommodating the emotions of the large elderly may help them to feel that wonderful feeling you get every time someone "listens" and it "understands". Not be able to tell after a few minutes, who said what. We are glad to see confirmed every day, however, that "to remember their own way the feeling of welcome ... one of the most beautiful and positive that we can experience when we are wrong.

be welcomed, not comforted, not deceived by a lie, albeit in good faith, not reason and asked to justify ... which is impossible for those who are confused.
The same applies to us all! There is a moment

significativo al riguardo in un film – The Unsaid – in cui Andy Garcia mi ha ricordato tanto questa cosa. Un padre, che ha perso un figlio, trova finalmente una persona capace di “ascoltare il suo dolore”, capace di mettere da parte le sue emozioni per accogliere l’altro senza con-fondersi con lui. Questa persona gli chiede come mai si è chiuso così tanto e per così tanto tempo e lui dice “… la gente mi diceva cose come - è in un posto migliore - o - comunque hai un’altra figlia … “Davvero la gente ti diceva questo?” dice la splendida assistente sociale, sensibile e attenta.

Anch’io ho detto tante volte “reagisci”. Per fortuna oggi I think it is essential before even hear with the mind and heart, and so sometimes I can even say "cry" or to remain silent.


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